Saturday, January 7, 2017

January Upcoming Events

January 11 - Take Me Outside Day at Camp Stone (please make sure your child has the appropriate winter clothing)

January 13 - Hot Lunch/ Sports Fan Day

January 17 - Winter Wonder (we'll be outside for most of this lesson as well, volunteers welcome, please dress warm)

Ski Day Forms have gone home, please fill them out and return them as soon as possible so we can start organizing our ski groups.  If you would like to volunteer please let us know on the yellow form that came home.  We need all the volunteers we can get!

Thank you!

Learning Stations

Friday, December 9, 2016


 Our Kindergarten students have come so far during their skating lessons!  Many of them can now skate without bars and they sure love playing games out on the ice.  Great work everyone!

Learning Stations!

 In the last few weeks we have been working a lot on patterning, number recognition, number formation, counting and one to one correspondence.  Students have demonstrated their understanding through a variety of games and hands on activities.  They sure work hard to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding!

Exploring the Snow!

 We went out as soon as the snow fell and checked out the shapes of the snowflakes.  We wrote and formed numbers in the snow.  And of course we made some snow people!  We want more snow!